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Left Angle Cross of Dominion (63/64 | 26/45)

Incarnation Cross

Understanding the Left Angle Cross of Dominion (63/64 | 26/45)

The Left Angle Cross of Dominion (63/64 | 26/45) in Human Design brings together Gates 63, 64, 26, and 45. This interesting cross offers a combination of energies related to doubt, confusion, egoism, and gathering.

Gate 63, situated in the Head Center, is the Gate of Doubt. This gate carries the energy of doubt, questioning the validity of understandings. It’s about scrutinizing everything to ensure that truths are indeed factual and not just assumed.

Gate 64, also located in the Head Center, is known as the Gate of Confusion in human design. This gate holds the energy of potentialities and represents the process of confusion leading to the formulation of questions and eventually the understanding of patterns.

Balancing Doubt, Confusion, and Authority

Moving towards the Heart Center, we find Gate 26, also known as the Gate of the Egoist. This gate carries the energy of manipulation for personal benefit. It’s about ensuring survival and success through shrewd tactics and strategies, which can be used both for personal gain or the benefit of the community.

Finally, Gate 45, residing in the G Center, is the Gate of Gathering Together. This gate signifies the energy of collective resources and leadership. It embodies the concept of the tribal leader who rules by divine right and the responsibility that comes with this position.

When combined in the Left Angle Cross of Dominion, these gates present a dynamic interplay between doubt, confusion, egoism, and gathering. This cross illustrates the balance between questioning and understanding (Gates 63 and 64) and the manipulation and gathering of resources (Gates 26 and 45).

Embodying the Left Angle Cross of Dominion

If the Left Angle Cross of Dominion is a part of your Human Design, you’re likely to find a balance between the world of intellectual inquiry and material resources and leadership. You may have a natural tendency towards questioning and probing for truths (Gates 63 and 64), coupled with an innate ability to gather resources and exert influence (Gate 45).

However, this intellectual curiosity is harmoniously paired with a knack for strategic manipulation (Gate 26). This combination allows you to employ tactics to ensure survival and success, which can be utilized for personal advantage or for the good of your community.

This cross is about the balance and interaction between these different energies. You may find yourself constantly questioning and seeking understanding, while also having a drive to gather resources and exert influence. This mix of energies could give you a unique approach to leadership and authority.

The Left Angle Cross of Dominion in Your Life

In practical terms, the Left Angle Cross of Dominion can manifest in various ways. You might find yourself naturally adept at formulating questions and seeking understanding, guided by the energies of Gates 63 and 64. Simultaneously, you likely have an ability to gather resources and step into leadership roles, thanks to Gate 45.

Alongside this, you may possess a strong instinct for survival and success, employing strategic manipulation when necessary (Gate 26). This drive can serve both personal interests and the greater good, depending on your overall alignment and intentions.

Embracing the energies of the Left Angle Cross of Dominion, you can navigate life with a unique blend of intellectual curiosity, leadership abilities, and strategic manipulation. This cross essentially teaches the balance between questioning and leading, recognizing when to use manipulation for personal benefit or for the betterment of the community.